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Community for participants, students, artists and enthusiasts of the Oriental Arts.
What We Do
Chinese Calligraphy Class and Club 中国书法班和墨文化社
What to expect?
Welcome to the《 Ink Culture Club 》
We learn calligraphy to improve the skills of observation, imagination and our memory. Through our process of learning, you will feel more confident in finishing your work independently and boost your confidence through the subtle gestural movements.We can ensure you will love it!
Ponder Brush has developed and delivered a top quality teaching program and we are inviting all of you to join us to discover the power of calligraphy.
The group classes are suitable for all ages and level of Chinese competency, beginners are welcome to any class.
Each class consists of the following segments:
Soft physical stretching and exercises preparation
- Relaxing the body and focusing on breath.
- Warming up and loosening of the joints and ligaments.
Chinese Calligraphy writing
-Introduction to the theme of the Class
-Occasional eccentric styles of writing.
-Student's creation work for take home.
Usually the classes run for 1 hour and runs in a English-Chinese bilingual format to cater for our diverse cultural community.
All classes are conducted indoors in windproof, warm and secure environment.
Ponder Brush will provide all the calligraphy equipment for new students for three classes wishing to try out calligraphy before purchasing materials and committing to classes on a regular. Fees still apply for the lessons which will be collected at the beginning of the class. These three 'trial' classes for the students will allow the instructor to determine whether calligraphy is suited for the individual.
For further information, please contact the event organisers at:
我們学习书法是爲了提高我們的觀察能力、想象和記憶。在學習的過程中有自己的創意力和獨有的书写風格. 在一定的基礎上能獨立完成书法作品。我們《墨文化社》是希望你能學到真正的书法技巧, 不走彎路.
我们学习书法是提高观察,想象和记忆的技巧。 通过我们的学习过程,你会更自信地独立完成你的作品,提高你的信心。
- 放松身体,注意呼吸。
- 活动关节和韧带。
- 介绍教学的內容
- 独特的写作。
- 学生的作品可带回家。
欲了解更多信息,请联系Ponder Brush活动组织者,书法报名:
Frequently asked questions 经常问的问题
Do I need to understand Chinese to participate? 我是否需要懂中文才可以参与吗?
Not at all, the art of calligraphy can be thoroughly enjoyed purely for its meditative and therapeutic gestural motions which influences the writer's state of mind.
Great for Chinese language learners looking for techniques to cement new and review old Chinese Characters into their minds. This is due to muscle memory being activated in the brain region that enhances memory skills!
As well, Chinese Calligraphy is proven to be an effective anti-ageing and anti-depressant tool for a happy long life. The Ink Culture Club and classes hosts a welcoming community for meeting new friends and having an enjoyable time whilst fulfilling our intellectual, emotional and spiritual levels.
非常适合寻找技巧来巩固新旧中文字的汉语学习者。 这是由于大脑区域的肌肉记忆被激活,从而增强记忆力!
同样,写中国书法被证明是一种有效的抗衰老和抗抑郁的活动,可以让你长寿。 墨文化社举办的课程, 可以结识新朋友,享受愉快的时光,讓我们的智慧,情感和精神更完美。
Is Chinese calligraphy difficult to master? 中国书法真的难以掌握吗?
With any new practice, everything may seem difficult at first. Calligraphy is an art based on techniques categorised by producing thinner or bolder strokes, and smooth or toothed borders.
Progressively with practice guided by our experienced instructors, the individual will soon influence his or hers style through varying the speed, pressure, inclination of the brush, acceleration and deceleration of the writer's moves and turns, and the stroke order which gives the "spirit" to the characters by influencing greatly their final shape through the individual's 'style'.
初初看起来好像很困难。但书法是一种基于技术分类的艺术,通过大胆的落笔,提及按的簡单动作, 会很快掌握得到的.
Where can I get a calligraphy art set? 我在哪里可以得到书法文具?
We are very fortunate that due to the rise of e-commerce and online shopping, the world outside of China, especially in Australia, has now a greater access to different Chinese calligraphy products and tools.
The Ink Culture Club doesn't emphasise on any particular products or brands. It is up to the students/participants discretion in choosing which products to use. However we can advise which products is suitable for practice.
Alternatively, Ponder Brush's online shop organises and regularly updates a range of carefully selected products and tools suitable for Chinese calligraphy practice.
墨文化社不强调任何特定的产品或品牌。 这取决于你在选择使用哪种产品时的自由决定。 不过,我们可以建议哪些产品适合练习。
另外,墨文化社 的在线商店可以组织并定期更新一系列精心挑选的适合中国书法练习的用品.
Tools of the trade
Components to the Chinese Calligraphy practiceAttribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported (CC BY-SA 3.0)
Bull Creek Venue
Bull Creek Library: 24 Leichhardt St, Bull Creek WA 6149Times: Weekly on Fridays 3:30pm-4:30pm.Weekly on Saturdays 11:00am-12:00pm.
'Inking the brush enables us to find ourselves and lose ourselves at the same time.'
- Master Lui.
'Writing influences writing'.
-Master Lui.
EST 2006.